How to Call About a Job Application

How to Call About a Job Application

To call about a job application, follow these steps: 1) Prepare by researching the company and role, tailoring your questions accordingly. 2) Write a script to introduce yourself, mention the position applied for, and express your enthusiasm. 3) Choose an appropriate time to call, typically during business hours. 4) Be polite and professional, addressing the recipient by name if possible. 5) Briefly explain your purpose for calling, then ask for any updates on your application status. 6) Listen attentively and respect the recruiter’s response. 7) Before ending the call, thank them for their time and mention your availability for further discussions.

Preparing for the Call

Before calling, research the company and role to tailor your conversation to the specific job application. Create a list of questions or concerns you might want to address during the call.

Writing a Script

Write a script as a guide, introducing yourself, mentioning the position you applied for, and expressing your enthusiasm for the job opportunity. The script should also include your questions and allow space for improvisation during the call.

Sample Script

“Hello, this is [your name]. I recently applied for the position of [job title] at [company name] and wanted to follow up on my application status. I am excited about the opportunity and was wondering if you might have any updates?”

Choosing the Right Time to Call

Call during business hours to maximize your chances of speaking with the right person. Aim for non-peak times if possible and avoid the start or end of the day.

Behaving Professionally on the Phone

Maintain a polite and professional tone, addressing the recipient by name if available. Be direct in your purpose for calling while remaining respectful. Remember to speak clearly and at a reasonable pace.

Inquiring About Job Application Status

Provide a brief explanation for your call and ask for any updates on your job application status. This is also an opportunity to gain insights and ask questions about the recruitment process.

Listening and Responding Appropriately

Listen attentively to the recruiter’s response, taking notes if necessary. Respond respectfully and comply with any additional information or requests they might have.

Ending the Call

Before ending the call, express gratitude for their time and reiterate your availability for further discussions. This leaves a positive final impression and facilitates potential communication moving forward.

Overcoming Phone Anxiety

It’s normal to feel anxious before making a follow-up call related to your job application. To combat nerves, practice your script with a friend or family member to gain confidence in your delivery. Take deep breaths and remember to focus on the purpose of the call, which is to display your interest and learn about your application status.

Gathering Information Before the Call

Make a note of any relevant details you can reference during the call, such as the job posting date, application deadline, or recruitment timeline. This helps to demonstrate your attention to detail and your investment in the process.

Handling Voicemail and Receptionists

If you need to leave a voicemail, ensure your recorded message is clear, concise, and consistent with your script. Provide your contact information at the end of the message. Alternatively, if a receptionist answers the call, kindly request to be connected to the appropriate person and maintain a polite demeanor throughout.

Taking Notes During the Call

Keep a pen and notepad handy to jot down any crucial information shared by the recruiter. Taking notes will help you remember key points and demonstrate that you’re taking the conversation seriously.

Following Up After the Call

After the call, if you received the recruiter’s email address or were advised to send particular documents, follow up promptly. You can also send a brief email thanking them for the call, which reinforces your interest in the position and reflects well on your professionalism.

FAQ Section

Explore answers to some frequently asked questions related to calling about a job application, equipping yourself with the knowledge to navigate this important step in the job search process.

When is the best time to call about a job application?

The ideal time to call about a job application is during business hours, preferably in non-peak times. Avoid calling at the start or end of the day when recruiters may be busy with other tasks.

What if I reach a voicemail?

If you reach a voicemail, leave a clear, concise message according to your script, and provide your name, contact details, and the reason for your call. This allows the recruiter to return your call when they are available.

How do I handle a receptionist or gatekeeper?

When speaking with a receptionist, maintain a polite and professional tone as you request to be connected with the appropriate person. Be patient, as they may be handling multiple tasks in addition to answering calls.

What should I do if the recruiter isn’t available at the time of my call?

If the recruiter is unavailable, ask if there is a better time to call back or inquire about their preferred mode of communication. You may also leave a message or provide your contact information for them to get in touch with you later.

After the call, should I send a follow-up email or wait for the recruiter to contact me?

It’s advisable to send a brief follow-up email to the recruiter after your call, thanking them for their time and discussing any relevant points from your conversation. Doing so demonstrates your interest in the position and reinforces your professionalism.


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