Bank Applications
Access statutes and regulations, guidance, and forms for preparing certain applications.
- Application Search Tool - Search on actions for selected application types that the FDIC has received since 2013.
- Bank Application Resources - Resources that govern certain applications to the FDIC, including appropriate references to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, FDIC Rules and Regulations, policy statements, guidance, and forms.
- Applications for Deposit Insurance - Information and resources important to the deposit insurance application process, including a practical and plain language guide to help organizers navigate the application process and successfully form a de novo institution. Also accessible are applicable laws and regulations, guidance, application forms, and other important resources.
- General Application Processing Timeframes for Regional Offices - PDF - Timeframe guidelines for processing applications, notices, requests, and other filings submitted on behalf of proposed and existing institutions and other parties.
- Bank Supervision: Applications, Notices, & Reporting Forms - Links to applications, notices, and reporting forms.
- Delegations of Authority: Applications & Filings - Delegations of authority related to applications and filings.
- Applications Mailbox ( - A designated mailbox by which bankers, applicants, and other interested parties may pose questions regarding a specific application or the application process. Interested parties should continue to submit comments regarding pending applications subject to the Community Reinvestment Act or public comment through the FDIC’s website (
- Pending Applications Subject to the CRA - A searchable database of applications and filings subject to the Community Reinvestment Act and public comment.
- Decisions on Deposit Insurance Applications - Orders and other agency decisions issued by the FDIC’s Board of Directors or under delegated authority for certain filings, including deposit insurance, mergers, activities, mutual-to-stock conversions, and certain other filings.
- Merger Decisions: Annual Report to Congress - Yearly list of approved merger applications.
PDF Help - Information on downloading and using the PDF reader.
Last Updated: September 6, 2023