Project Management Audit Checklist

This task aims to identify the specific project that will be audited. It is important to have a clear understanding of the project in order to conduct an effective audit. The results of this task will determine the scope and focus of the audit.

Project name

Review project's charter and plan

This task involves reviewing the project's charter and plan. By examining these documents, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the project's goals, objectives, and stakeholders. Additionally, we can assess the alignment between the project's plan and its actual execution.

Upload project charter File will be uploaded here Upload project plan File will be uploaded here

Evaluate scope and purpose of the project

In this task, we will evaluate the scope and purpose of the project. By doing so, we can ensure that the project is aligned with the organization's overall goals and objectives. Additionally, this evaluation will help us determine whether the project's scope is realistic and achievable.

What is the scope of the project? What is the purpose of the project?

Assess project timeline and milestones

This task involves assessing the project's timeline and milestones. By doing so, we can determine whether the project is progressing according to schedule and whether the milestones are being met. This assessment will help identify any potential delays or bottlenecks in the project's timeline.

Project start date Date will be set here Project end date Date will be set here Select project milestones Project kickoff Completion of phase 1 Completion of phase 2 Final project delivery

Review available resources and their usage

In this task, we will review the available resources for the project and assess their usage. This includes both human resources and physical resources. By doing so, we can determine whether the resources are being effectively utilized and whether any additional resources are needed.

Available human resources Project manager Team members Consultants External stakeholders Available physical resources Software licenses Office space

Examine project's budget and financial status

This task involves examining the project's budget and financial status. By doing so, we can ensure that the project is being managed within the allocated budget and that the financial resources are being effectively utilized. This examination will help identify any potential budget discrepancies or financial risks.

Total project budget Current expenditure Projected expenditure

Evaluate risk management plans and procedures

In this task, we will evaluate the project's risk management plans and procedures. By doing so, we can determine whether the project has identified and mitigated potential risks. This evaluation will help identify any gaps in the risk management process and ensure that appropriate measures are in place.

Rate the effectiveness of the risk management plan Highly effective Moderately effective Not effective What are the key risks identified for the project?

Inspect quality assurance procedures

This task involves inspecting the project's quality assurance procedures. By doing so, we can assess whether the project is adhering to the defined quality standards and whether appropriate measures are in place to ensure quality. This inspection will help identify any potential quality issues or deficiencies.

Select the quality assurance procedures used in the project Regular audits Quality checklists Testing protocols Customer feedback collection Provide examples of quality issues identified in the project

Check communication management

In this task, we will check the communication management process of the project. By doing so, we can ensure that effective communication channels are established between the project team and stakeholders. This check will help identify any communication gaps or challenges.

Rate the effectiveness of the communication management process Highly effective Moderately effective Not effective What are the key communication challenges faced in the project?

Review hardware and software technologies involved in the project

This task involves reviewing the hardware and software technologies involved in the project. By doing so, we can assess whether the selected technologies are suitable for the project's requirements. This review will help identify any potential technology limitations or compatibility issues.

Select the hardware technologies used in the project Desktop computers Networking equipment Select the software technologies used in the project Project management software Collaboration tools Data analysis software Customer relationship management (CRM) software

Evaluate operational procedures and processes used in the project

In this task, we will evaluate the operational procedures and processes used in the project. By doing so, we can assess whether the project's operations are efficient and effective. This evaluation will help identify any areas for improvement in the operational workflow.

Rate the efficiency of the operational procedures Highly efficient Moderately efficient Not efficient Select the key operational procedures used in the project Project scheduling Resource allocation Task monitoring Issue resolution

Approval: Project Manager

Will be submitted for approval: Identify the project to be audited Will be submitted Review project's charter and plan Will be submitted Evaluate scope and purpose of the project Will be submitted Assess project timeline and milestones Will be submitted Review available resources and their usage Will be submitted Examine project's budget and financial status Will be submitted Evaluate risk management plans and procedures Will be submitted Inspect quality assurance procedures Will be submitted Check communication management Will be submitted Review hardware and software technologies involved in the project Will be submitted Evaluate operational procedures and processes used in the project Will be submitted

Analyse feedback from the project team

This task involves analyzing the feedback received from the project team. By doing so, we can gain insights into the team's experiences and perspectives regarding the project. This analysis will help identify any areas for improvement and address any concerns raised by the team.

What are the key feedback points from the project team? How can the feedback be used to improve the project?

Review documentation and reports related to the project

In this task, we will review the documentation and reports related to the project. By doing so, we can ensure that all necessary documentation is in place and that the project's progress is properly documented. This review will help identify any missing or incomplete documentation.

Select the documentation and reports to be reviewed Project plans Meeting minutes Progress reports Change requests

Inspect deliverables and performance measurements

This task involves inspecting the project's deliverables and performance measurements. By doing so, we can assess whether the deliverables meet the required standards and whether the project is achieving its performance targets. This inspection will help identify any gaps or deficiencies in the deliverables or performance.

Select the project deliverables to be inspected Final product Project documentation Training materials Rate the performance measurements Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Below expectations Not evaluated

Verify compliance with regulations and standards

This task involves verifying the project's compliance with applicable regulations and standards. By doing so, we can ensure that the project is being conducted in accordance with legal and industry requirements. This verification will help identify any non-compliance issues or risks.

Select the regulations and standards applicable to the project Health and safety regulations Data protection regulations Industry-specific standards Ethical guidelines

Draw conclusions from the audit findings

In this task, we will draw conclusions from the audit findings. By analyzing the collected information and observations, we can identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement. These conclusions will help inform the overall audit report and recommendations.

What are the key conclusions drawn from the audit findings?

Prepare audit report

This task involves preparing the audit report. The audit report will summarize the findings, conclusions, and recommendations from the audit. It will serve as a formal document that communicates the results of the audit to relevant stakeholders. The audit report should be clear, concise, and well-structured.

Input the audit report

Approval: Senior Management

Will be submitted for approval: Analyse feedback from the project team Will be submitted Review documentation and reports related to the project Will be submitted Inspect deliverables and performance measurements Will be submitted Verify compliance with regulations and standards Will be submitted Draw conclusions from the audit findings Will be submitted Prepare audit report Will be submitted

Recommend improvements based on audit findings

In this task, we will recommend improvements based on the audit findings. By identifying areas for improvement and suggesting actionable recommendations, we can help enhance the project's performance and outcomes. These recommendations should be specific, practical, and aligned with the project's objectives.

What are the key recommendations based on the audit findings?

Implement agreed upon action plan

This task involves implementing the agreed upon action plan. By taking the necessary steps to address the identified issues and implement the recommended improvements, we can drive positive change and ensure the project's success. The action plan should be realistic, achievable, and monitored for progress.