Understanding Natural Selection: Essential Concepts and Common Misconceptions

Natural selection is one of the central mechanisms of evolutionary change and is the process responsible for the evolution of adaptive features. Without a working knowledge of natural selection, it is impossible to understand how or why living things have come to exhibit their diversity and complexity. An understanding of natural selection also is becoming increasingly relevant in practical contexts, including medicine, agriculture, and resource management. Unfortunately, studies indicate that natural selection is generally very poorly understood, even among many individuals with postsecondary biological education. This paper provides an overview of the basic process of natural selection, discusses the extent and possible causes of misunderstandings of the process, and presents a review of the most common misconceptions that must be corrected before a functional understanding of natural selection and adaptive evolution can be achieved.

“There is probably no more original, more complex, and bolder concept in the history of ideas than Darwin's mechanistic explanation of adaptation.”

Ernst Mayr (1982, p.481)


Natural selection is a non-random difference in reproductive output among replicating entities, often due indirectly to differences in survival in a particular environment, leading to an increase in the proportion of beneficial, heritable characteristics within a population from one generation to the next. That this process can be encapsulated within a single (admittedly lengthy) sentence should not diminish the appreciation of its profundity and power. It is one of the core mechanisms of evolutionary change and is the main process responsible for the complexity and adaptive intricacy of the living world. According to philosopher Daniel Dennett (1995), this qualifies evolution by natural selection as “the single best idea anyone has ever had.”

Natural selection results from the confluence of a small number of basic conditions of ecology and heredity. Often, the circumstances in which those conditions apply are of direct significance to human health and well-being, as in the evolution of antibiotic and pesticide resistance or in the impacts of intense predation by humans (e.g., Palumbi 2001; Jørgensen et al. 2007; Darimont et al. 2009). Understanding this process is therefore of considerable importance in both academic and pragmatic terms. Unfortunately, a growing list of studies indicates that natural selection is, in general, very poorly understood—not only by young students and members of the public but even among those who have had postsecondary instruction in biology.

As is true with many other issues, a lack of understanding of natural selection does not necessarily correlate with a lack of confidence about one's level of comprehension. This could be due in part to the perception, unfortunately reinforced by many biologists, that natural selection is so logically compelling that its implications become self-evident once the basic principles have been conveyed. Thus, many professional biologists may agree that “[evolution] shows how everything from frogs to fleas got here via a few easily grasped biological processes” (Coyne 2006; emphasis added). The unfortunate reality, as noted nearly 20 years ago by Bishop and Anderson (1990), is that “the concepts of evolution by natural selection are far more difficult for students to grasp than most biologists imagine.” Despite common assumptions to the contrary by both students and instructors, it is evident that misconceptions about natural selection are the rule, whereas a working understanding is the rare exception.

The goal of this paper is to enhance (or, as the case may be, confirm) readers' basic understanding of natural selection. This first involves providing an overview of the basis and (one of the) general outcomes of natural selection as they are understood by evolutionary biologists Footnote 1 . This is followed by a brief discussion of the extent and possible causes of difficulties in fully grasping the concept and consequences of natural selection. Finally, a review of the most widespread misconceptions about natural selection is provided. It must be noted that specific instructional tools capable of creating deeper understanding among students generally have remained elusive, and no new suggestions along these lines are presented here. Rather, this article is aimed at readers who wish to confront and correct any misconceptions that they may harbor and/or to better recognize those held by most students and other non-specialists.

The Basis and Basics of Natural Selection

Though rudimentary forms of the idea had been presented earlier (e.g., Darwin and Wallace 1858 and several others before them), it was in On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection that Darwin (1859) provided the first detailed exposition of the process and implications of natural selection Footnote 2 . According to Mayr (1982, 2001), Darwin's extensive discussion of natural selection can be distilled to five “facts” (i.e., direct observations) and three associated inferences. These are depicted in Fig. 1.

Some components of the process, most notably the sources of variation and the mechanisms of inheritance, were, due to the limited available information in Darwin's time, either vague or incorrect in his original formulation. Since then, each of the core aspects of the mechanism has been elucidated and well documented, making the modern theory Footnote 3 of natural selection far more detailed and vigorously supported than when first proposed 150 years ago. This updated understanding of natural selection consists of the elements outlined in the following sections.

Overproduction, Limited Population Growth, and the “Struggle for Existence”

A key observation underlying natural selection is that, in principle, populations have the capacity to increase in numbers exponentially (or “geometrically”). This is a simple function of mathematics: If one organism produces two offspring, and each of them produces two offspring, and so on, then the total number grows at an increasingly rapid rate (1 → 2 → 4 → 8 → 16 → 32 → 64. to 2 n after n rounds of reproduction).

The enormity of this potential for exponential growth is difficult to fathom. For example, consider that beginning with a single Escherichia coli bacterium, and assuming that cell division occurs every 30 minutes, it would take less than a week for the descendants of this one cell to exceed the mass of the Earth. Of course, exponential population expansion is not limited to bacteria. As Nobel laureate Jacques Monod once quipped, “What is true for E. coli is also true for the elephant,” and indeed, Darwin (1859) himself used elephants as an illustration of the principle of rapid population growth, calculating that the number of descendants of a single pair would swell to more than 19,000,000 in only 750 years Footnote 4 . Keown (1988) cites the example of oysters, which may produce as many as 114,000,000 eggs in a single spawn. If all these eggs grew into oysters and produced this many eggs of their own that, in turn, survived to reproduce, then within five generations there would be more oysters than the number of electrons in the known universe.

Clearly, the world is not overrun with bacteria, elephants, or oysters. Though these and all other species engage in massive overproduction (or “superfecundity”) and therefore could in principle expand exponentially, in practice they do not Footnote 5 . The reason is simple: Most offspring that are produced do not survive to produce offspring of their own. In fact, most population sizes tend to remain relatively stable over the long term. This necessarily means that, on average, each pair of oysters produces only two offspring that go on to reproduce successfully—and that 113,999,998 eggs per female per spawn do not survive (see also Ridley 2004). Many young oysters will be eaten by predators, others will starve, and still others will succumb to infection. As Darwin (1859) realized, this massive discrepancy between the number of offspring produced and the number that can be sustained by available resources creates a “struggle for existence” in which often only a tiny fraction of individuals will succeed. As he noted, this can be conceived as a struggle not only against other organisms (especially members of the same species, whose ecological requirements are very similar) but also in a more abstract sense between organisms and their physical environments.

Variation and Inheritance

Variation among individuals is a fundamental requirement for evolutionary change. Given that it was both critical to his theory of natural selection and directly counter to much contemporary thinking, it should not be surprising that Darwin (1859) expended considerable effort in attempting to establish that variation is, in fact, ubiquitous. He also emphasized the fact that some organisms—namely relatives, especially parents and their offspring—are more similar to each other than to unrelated members of the population. This, too, he realized is critical for natural selection to operate. As Darwin (1859) put it, “Any variation which is not inherited is unimportant for us.” However, he could not explain either why variation existed or how specific characteristics were passed from parent to offspring, and therefore was forced to treat both the source of variation and the mechanism of inheritance as a “black box.”

The workings of genetics are no longer opaque. Today, it is well understood that inheritance operates through the replication of DNA sequences and that errors in this process (mutations) and the reshuffling of existing variants (recombination) represent the sources of new variation. In particular, mutations are known to be random (or less confusingly, “undirected”) with respect to any effects that they may have. Any given mutation is merely a chance error in the genetic system, and as such, its likelihood of occurrence is not influenced by whether it will turn out to be detrimental, beneficial, or (most commonly) neutral.

As Darwin anticipated, extensive variation among individuals has now been well established to exist at the physical, physiological, and behavioral levels. Thanks to the rise of molecular biology and, more recently, of genomics, it also has been possible to document variation at the level of proteins, genes, and even individual DNA nucleotides in humans and many other species.

Non-random Differences in Survival and Reproduction

Darwin saw that overproduction and limited resources create a struggle for existence in which some organisms will succeed and most will not. He also recognized that organisms in populations differ from one another in terms of many traits that tend to be passed on from parent to offspring. Darwin's brilliant insight was to combine these two factors and to realize that success in the struggle for existence would not be determined by chance, but instead would be biased by some of the heritable differences that exist among organisms. Specifically, he noted that some individuals happen to possess traits that make them slightly better suited to a particular environment, meaning that they are more likely to survive than individuals with less well suited traits. As a result, organisms with these traits will, on average, leave more offspring than their competitors.

Whereas the origin of a new genetic variant occurs at random in terms of its effects on the organism, the probability of it being passed on to the next generation is absolutely non-random if it impacts the survival and reproductive capabilities of that organism. The important point is that this is a two-step process: first, the origin of variation by random mutation, and second, the non-random sorting of variation due to its effects on survival and reproduction (Mayr 2001). Though definitions of natural selection have been phrased in many ways (Table 1), it is this non-random difference in survival and reproduction that forms the basis of the process.

Natural Selection Is Elegant, Logical, and Notoriously Difficult to Grasp

The Extent of the Problem

In its most basic form, natural selection is an elegant theory that effectively explains the obviously good fit of living things to their environments. As a mechanism, it is remarkably simple in principle yet incredibly powerful in application. However, the fact that it eluded description until 150 years ago suggests that grasping its workings and implications is far more challenging than is usually assumed.

Three decades of research have produced unambiguous data revealing a strikingly high prevalence of misconceptions about natural selection among members of the public and in students at all levels, from elementary school pupils to university science majors (Alters 2005; Bardapurkar 2008; Table 2) Footnote 7 . A finding that less than 10% of those surveyed possess a functional understanding of natural selection is not atypical. It is particularly disconcerting and undoubtedly exacerbating that confusions about natural selection are common even among those responsible for teaching it Footnote 8 . As Nehm and Schonfeld (2007) recently concluded, “one cannot assume that biology teachers with extensive backgrounds in biology have an accurate working knowledge of evolution, natural selection, or the nature of science.”

Studies have indicated that belief in soft inheritance arises early in youth as part of a naïve model of heredity (e.g., Deadman and Kelly 1978; Kargbo et al. 1980; Lawson and Thompson 1988; Wood-Robinson 1994). That it seems intuitive probably explains why the idea of soft inheritance persisted so long among prominent thinkers and why it is so resistant to correction among modern students. Unfortunately, a failure to abandon this belief is fundamentally incompatible with an appreciation of evolution by natural selection as a two-step process in which the origin of new variation and its relevance to survival in a particular environment are independent considerations.

Nature as a Selecting Agent

Thirty years ago, widely respected broadcaster Sir David Attenborough (1979) aptly described the challenge of avoiding anthropomorphic shorthand in descriptions of adaptation:

Darwin demonstrated that the driving force of [adaptive] evolution comes from the accumulation, over countless generations, of chance genetical changes sifted by the rigors of natural selection. In describing the consequences of this process it is only too easy to use a form of words that suggests that the animals themselves were striving to bring about change in a purposeful way–that fish wanted to climb onto dry land, and to modify their fins into legs, that reptiles wished to fly, strove to change their scales into feathers and so ultimately became birds.

Unlike many authors, Attenborough (1979) admirably endeavored to not use such misleading terminology. However, this quote inadvertently highlights an additional challenge in describing natural selection without loaded language. In it, natural selection is described as a “driving force” that rigorously “sifts” genetic variation, which could be misunderstood to imply that it takes an active role in prompting evolutionary change. Much more seriously, one often encounters descriptions of natural selection as a processes that “chooses” among “preferred” variants or “experiments with” or “explores” different options. Some expressions, such as “favored” and “selected for” are used commonly as shorthand in evolutionary biology and are not meant to impart consciousness to natural selection; however, these too may be misinterpreted in the vernacular sense by non-experts and must be clarified.

Darwin (1859) himself could not resist slipping into the language of agency at times:

It may be said that natural selection is daily and hourly scrutinizing, throughout the world, every variation, even the slightest; rejecting that which is bad, preserving and adding up all that is good; silently and insensibly working, whenever and wherever opportunity offers, at the improvement of each organic being in relation to its organic and inorganic conditions of life. We see nothing of these slow changes in progress, until the hand of time has marked the long lapse of ages, and then so imperfect is our view into long past geological ages, that we only see that the forms of life are now different from what they formerly were.

Perhaps recognizing the ease with which such language can be misconstrued, Darwin (1868) later wrote that “The term ‘Natural Selection’ is in some respects a bad one, as it seems to imply conscious choice; but this will be disregarded after a little familiarity.” Unfortunately, more than “a little familiarity” seems necessary to abandon the notion of Nature as an active decision maker.

Being, as it is, the simple outcome of differences in reproductive success due to heritable traits, natural selection cannot have plans, goals, or intentions, nor can it cause changes in response to need. For this reason, Jungwirth (1975a, b, 1977) bemoaned the tendency for authors and instructors to invoke teleological and anthropomorphic descriptions of the process and argued that this served to reinforce misconceptions among students (see also Bishop and Anderson 1990; Alters and Nelson 2002; Moore et al. 2002; Sinatra et al. 2008). That said, a study of high school students by Tamir and Zohar (1991) suggested that older students can recognize the distinction between an anthropomorphic or teleological formulation (i.e., merely a convenient description) versus an anthropomorphic/teleological explanation (i.e., involving conscious intent or goal-oriented mechanisms as causal factors; see also Bartov 1978, 1981). Moore et al. (2002), by contrast, concluded from their study of undergraduates that “students fail to distinguish between the relatively concrete register of genetics and the more figurative language of the specialist shorthand needed to condense the long view of evolutionary processes” (see also Jungwirth 1975a, 1977). Some authors have argued that teleological wording can have some value as shorthand for describing complex phenomena in a simple way precisely because it corresponds to normal thinking patterns, and that contrasting this explicitly with accurate language can be a useful exercise during instruction (Zohar and Ginossar 1998). In any case, biologists and instructors should be cognizant of the risk that linguistic shortcuts may send students off track.

Source Versus Sorting of Variation

Intuitive models of evolution based on soft inheritance are one-step models of adaptation: Traits are modified in one generation and appear in their altered form in the next. This is in conflict with the actual two-step process of adaptation involving the independent processes of mutation and natural selection. Unfortunately, many students who eschew soft inheritance nevertheless fail to distinguish natural selection from the origin of new variation (e.g., Greene 1990; Creedy 1993; Moore et al. 2002). Whereas an accurate understanding recognizes that most new mutations are neutral or harmful in a given environment, such naïve interpretations assume that mutations occur as a response to environmental challenges and therefore are always beneficial (Fig. 2). For example, many students may believe that exposure to antibiotics directly causes bacteria to become resistant, rather than simply changing the relative frequencies of resistant versus non-resistant individuals by killing off the latter Footnote 13 . Again, natural selection itself does not create new variation, it merely influences the proportion of existing variants. Most forms of selection reduce the amount of genetic variation within populations, which may be counteracted by the continual emergence of new variation via undirected mutation and recombination.

Typological, Essentialist, and Transformationist Thinking

Misunderstandings about how variation arises are problematic, but a common failure to recognize that it plays a role at all represents an even a deeper concern. Since Darwin (1859), evolutionary theory has been based strongly on “population” thinking that emphasizes differences among individuals. By contrast, many naïve interpretations of evolution remain rooted in the “typological” or “essentialist” thinking that has existed since the ancient Greeks (Mayr 1982, 2001; Sinatra et al. 2008). In this case, species are conceived of as exhibiting a single “type” or a common “essence,” with variation among individuals representing anomalous and largely unimportant deviations from the type or essence. As Shtulman (2006) notes, “human beings tend to essentialize biological kinds and essentialism is incompatible with natural selection.” As with many other conceptual biases, the tendency to essentialize seems to arise early in childhood and remains the default for most individuals (Strevens 2000; Gelman 2004; Evans et al. 2005; Shtulman 2006).

The incorrect belief that species are uniform leads to “transformationist” views of adaptation in which an entire population transforms as a whole as it adapts (Alters 2005; Shtulman 2006; Bardapurkar 2008). This contrasts with the correct, “variational” understanding of natural selection in which it is the proportion of traits within populations that changes (Fig. 2). Not surprisingly, transformationist models of adaptation usually include a tacit assumption of soft inheritance and one-step change in response to challenges. Indeed, Shtulman (2006) found that transformationists appeal to “need” as a cause of evolutionary change three times more often than do variationists.

Events and Absolutes Versus Processes and Probabilities

A proper understanding of natural selection recognizes it as a process that occurs within populations over the course of many generations. It does so through cumulative, statistical effects on the proportion of traits differing in their consequences for reproductive success. This contrasts with two major errors that are commonly incorporated into naïve conceptions of the process:

  1. 1. Natural selection is mistakenly seen as an event rather than as a process (Ferrari and Chi 1998; Sinatra et al. 2008). Events generally have a beginning and end, occur in a specific sequential order, consist of distinct actions, and may be goal-oriented. By contrast, natural selection actually occurs continually and simultaneously within entire populations and is not goal-oriented (Ferrari and Chi 1998). Misconstruing selection as an event may contribute to transformationist thinking as adaptive changes are thought to occur in the entire population simultaneously. Viewing natural selection as a single event can also lead to incorrect “saltationist” assumptions in which complex adaptive features are imagined to appear suddenly in a single generation (see Gregory 2008b for an overview of the evolution of complex organs).
  2. 2. Natural selection is incorrectly conceived as being “all or nothing,” with all unfit individuals dying and all fit individuals surviving. In actuality, it is a probabilistic process in which some traits make it more likely—but do not guarantee—that organisms possessing them will successfully reproduce. Moreover, the statistical nature of the process is such that even a small difference in reproductive success (say, 1%) is enough to produce a gradual increase in the frequency of a trait over many generations.

Concluding Remarks

Surveys of students at all levels paint a bleak picture regarding the level of understanding of natural selection. Though it is based on well-established and individually straightforward components, a proper grasp of the mechanism and its implications remains very rare among non-specialists. The unavoidable conclusion is that the vast majority of individuals, including most with postsecondary education in science, lack a basic understanding of how adaptive evolution occurs.

While no concrete solutions to this problem have yet been found, it is evident that simply outlining the various components of natural selection rarely imparts an understanding of the process to students. Various alternative teaching strategies and activities have been suggested, and some do help to improve the level of understanding among students (e.g., Bishop and Anderson 1986; Jensen and Finley 1995, 1996; Firenze 1997; Passmore and Stewart 2002; Sundberg 2003; Alters 2005; Scharmann 1990; Wilson 2005; Nelson 2007, 2008; Pennock 2007; Kampourakis and Zogza 2008). Efforts to integrate evolution throughout biology curricula rather than segregating it into a single unit may also prove more effective (Nehm et al. 2009), as may steps taken to make evolution relevant to everyday concerns (e.g., Hillis 2007).

At the very least, it is abundantly clear that teaching and learning natural selection must include efforts to identify, confront, and supplant misconceptions. Most of these derive from deeply held conceptual biases that may have been present since childhood. Natural selection, like most complex scientific theories, runs counter to common experience and therefore competes—usually unsuccessfully—with intuitive ideas about inheritance, variation, function, intentionality, and probability. The tendency, both outside and within academic settings, to use inaccurate language to describe evolutionary phenomena probably serves to reinforce these problems.

Natural selection is a central component of modern evolutionary theory, which in turn is the unifying theme of all biology. Without a grasp of this process and its consequences, it is simply impossible to understand, even in basic terms, how and why life has become so marvelously diverse. The enormous challenge faced by biologists and educators in correcting the widespread misunderstanding of natural selection is matched only by the importance of the task.


For a more advanced treatment, see Bell (1997, 2008) or consult any of the major undergraduate-level evolutionary biology or population genetics textbooks.

The Origin was, in Darwin's words, an “abstract” of a much larger work he had initially intended to write. Much of the additional material is available in Darwin (1868) and Stauffer (1975).

See Gregory (2008a) for a discussion regarding the use of the term “theory” in science.

Ridley (2004) points out that Darwin's calculations require overlapping generations to reach this exact number, but the point remains that even in slow-reproducing species the rate of potential production is enormous relative to actual numbers of organisms.

Humans are currently undergoing a rapid population expansion, but this is the exception rather than the rule. As Darwin (1859) noted, “Although some species may now be increasing, more or less rapidly, in numbers, all cannot do so, for the world would not hold them.”

It cannot be overemphasized that “evolution” and “natural selection” are not interchangeable. This is because not all evolution occurs by natural selection and because not all outcomes of natural selection involve changes in the genetic makeup of populations. A detailed discussion of the different types of selection is beyond the scope of this article, but it can be pointed out that the effect of “stabilizing selection” is to prevent directional change in populations.

Instructors interested in assessing their own students' level of understanding may wish to consult tests developed by Bishop and Anderson (1986), Anderson et al. (2002), Beardsley (2004), Shtulman (2006), or Kampourakis and Zogza (2009).

Even more alarming is a recent indication that one in six teachers in the USA is a young Earth creationist, and that about one in eight teaches creationism as though it were a valid alternative to evolutionary science (Berkman et al. 2008).

Strictly speaking, it is not necessary to understand how evolution occurs to be convinced that it has occurred because the historical fact of evolution is supported by many convergent lines of evidence that are independent of discussions about particular mechanisms. Again, this represents the important distinction between evolution as fact and theory. See Gregory (2008a).

One should always be wary of the linguistic symptoms of anthropomorphic misconceptions, which usually include phrasing like “so that” (versus “because”) or “in order to” (versus “happened to”) when explaining adaptations (Kampourakis and Zogza 2009).

It must be noted that the persistent tendency to label the inheritance of acquired characteristics as “Lamarckian” is false: Soft inheritance was commonly accepted long before Lamarck's time (Zirkle 1946). Likewise, mechanisms involving organisms' conscious desires to change are often incorrectly attributed to Lamarck. For recent critiques of the tendency to describe various misconceptions as Lamarckian, see Geraedts and Boersma (2006) and Kampourakis and Zogza (2007). It is unfortunate that these mistakenly attributed concepts serve as the primary legacy of Lamarck, who in actuality made several important contributions to biology (a term first used by Lamarck), including greatly advancing the classification of invertebrates (another term he coined) and, of course, developing the first (albeit ultimately incorrect) mechanistic theory of evolution. For discussions of Lamarck's views and contributions to evolutionary biology, see Packard (1901), Burkhardt (1972, 1995), Corsi (1988), Humphreys (1995, 1996), and Kampourakis and Zogza (2007). Lamarck's works are available online at http://www.lamarck.cnrs.fr/index.php?lang=en.

One may wonder how this misconception is reconciled with the common admonition by medical doctors to complete each course of treatment with antibiotics even after symptoms disappear—would this not provide more opportunities for bacteria to “develop” resistance by prolonging exposure?


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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada T. Ryan Gregory
  1. T. Ryan Gregory