Automate Hardware Requirements

This article aims to provide transparency regarding Automate server requirements and scalability based on agent count for ConnectWise Automate®. Use this guide to ensure your system meets the minimum requirements before Automate is installed or to scale the product to fit your agent count needs after it has been installed.

Note: These server requirements only apply to on-premises partners. See Control Center Requirements for Cloud partners for the minimum specifications for Cloud setups.

In this article, review the minimum specifications for:

New Installations of Automate

The following server requirements may vary based on your environment (e.g., probe use, number of probes, number of agents, etc.). Depending on actual usage, the hardware required may be more than what is recommended. The agent count used should be the number of expected agents for the Automate server, 24 months in advance, as this accounts for anticipated growth within the business.

It is required that Automate servers be given both an internal and external static IP address where possible. When the Automate server contacts the licensing server, your licenses are associated with its external IP address. If the external IP address is dynamic, you may have to contact Automate occasionally to provide us with your renewed external IP address for the licenses to remain active. The Web Control Center also relies on this IP address, so if the IP address changes, you cannot access the Web Control Center unless you modify your registry to recognize the renewed IP.

The Scalability of ConnectWise Automate

Established and proven scalability with Automate is a fundamental objective. Automate progress and intent have continued marching that path. The resource investments are in place to continue this advancement.

The focus is on building a testing ground for large-scale optimization and performance planning that is extraordinary and state-of-the-art. As we move forward, we build what will solve current possible issues and resolve challenges and questions that have not yet been formed and identified.

ConnectWise exists to resolve limitations and provide new areas of growth and opportunity for all of our partners as a company. ConnectWise automates and innovates. Our continuous commitment to innovation, our partners, and the industry is clear with our pledge and commitment to true scalability and performance.

Scalability & Performance - Testing Equipment and Quality Assurance

Resources have been dedicated to comprehensive testing facilities. Human and technical resources are in place to prove current endpoints of 12,000 and greater. The key mandate is successive iterations above 30,000.

Environmental Validation - Data Collection from Large Partner Endpoint Deployments

The structure is in place to ensure collaboration in a well-defined testing ground to evaluate current issues. The specialized Partner Information Network (PIN) gives Automate real-world partnerships with those using 12,000 plus deployed endpoints. This will furnish hard data for functionality and database performance aspects as well.

Architectures - Research & Development with Distributed Architecture

The process is in place to examine multi-server implementations. Automate going beyond the boundaries of Front-End and Back-End improvements and reviewing the application architecture as a whole.

Single Server Requirements

In this setup, the Database and Web installation for ConnectWise Automate reside on the same server.


Drive Space