the vessel or other floating plant equipment used in the supply of the dredging services:
- is of Canadian, European Union or United Kingdom make or manufacture; or
- has been predominantly modified in Canada, the European Union or the United Kingdom and has been owned by a person located in Canada, the European Union or the United Kingdom for at least a year prior to the submission of the tender by the bidder; and
- Canada; or
- The United Kingdom or a Member State of the European Union and have been granted a temporary licence under the Coasting Trade Act, S.C. 1992, c. 31. The temporary licence will be granted to the United Kingdom or European Union vessel, subject to applicable non-discretionary requirements. The requirement that a temporary licence will only be issued if there is no Canadian duty or non-duty paid vessel available will not be applied to the application for that temporary licence.
1.25.5 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Effective date: 2019-11-28
In order to simplify and streamline guidance with respect to trade agreements, the information previously found in this Section has been incorporated into Sections 1.25.2 General principles of trade agreements and 1.25.3 Determining coverage under a trade agreement.
For reference purposes only, Section 1.25.5 is available in the Supply Manual archive (accessible only on the Government of Canada network), Version 2019-1.
1.25.10 World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO-AGP)
Effective date: 2019-11-28
In order to simplify and streamline guidance with respect to trade agreements, the information previously found in this Section has been incorporated into Sections 1.25.2 General principles of trade agreements and 1.25.3 Determining coverage under a trade agreement.
For reference purposes only, Section 1.25.10 is available in the Supply Manual archive (accessible only on the Government of Canada network), Version 2019-1.
1.25.11 Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Effective date: 2019-11-28
In order to simplify and streamline guidance with respect to trade agreements, the information previously found in this Section has been incorporated into Sections 1.25.2 General principles of trade agreements, 1.25.3 Determining coverage under a trade agreement, and Dredging services – CETA .
For reference purposes only, Section 1.25.11 is available in the Supply Manual archive (accessible only on the Government of Canada network), Version 2019-1.
1.25.14 Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)
Effective date: 2019-11-28
In order to simplify and streamline guidance with respect to trade agreements, the information previously found in this Section has been incorporated into Sections 1.25.2 General principles of trade agreements and 1.25.3 Determining coverage under a trade agreement.
For reference purposes only, Section 1.25.14 is available in the Supply Manual archive (accessible only on the Government of Canada network), Version 2019-1.
1.25.15 Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)
Effective date: 2019-11-28
In order to simplify and streamline guidance with respect to trade agreements, the information previously found in this Section has been incorporated into Section 1.25.1 International and national trade agreements.
For reference purposes only, Section 1.25.15 is available in the Supply Manual archive (accessible only on the Government of Canada network), Version 2019-1.
1.25.16 Bilateral Free Trade Agreements
Effective date: 2019-11-28
In order to simplify and streamline guidance with respect to trade agreements, the information previously found in this Section has been incorporated into Sections 1.25.1 International and national trade agreements, 1.25.2 General principles of trade agreements, and 1.25.3 Determining coverage under a trade agreement.
For reference purposes only, Section 1.25.16 is available in the Supply Manual archive (accessible only on the Government of Canada network), Version 2019-1.
1.25.20 Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements
Effective date: 2024-04-19
- The federal government has negotiated a number of Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements (CLCAs) with Aboriginal Peoples. CLCA s are a type of Modern Treaty that are based on the concept of continued Aboriginal rights and title to lands traditionally used and occupied by an Aboriginal group, which have not been dealt with by treaty or other legal means. Although the terms “Indigenous” and “Aboriginal” are sometimes used interchangeably, there is a unique legal meaning to “Aboriginal” and so it still appears frequently in certain contexts.
- CLCA s are law. The CLCA obligations are legally binding because they are contained in agreements signed by Canada and backed by legislation. Furthermore, the Aboriginal rights detailed within them are constitutionally protected under Section 35 of the Constitution Act 1982.
- Most CLCA s include measures dealing with procurement, and although these measures are not always identical in the various agreements, they are all aimed at enhancing economic opportunities of the Aboriginal group benefiting from the agreement, usually through increased possibilities of competing successfully for contracts in their settlement areas or of participating in employment, training or subcontracting opportunities.
- To determine whether CLCA s apply to a procurement, and to learn how to address the CLCA obligations during the procurement process, refer to 9.35 Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements (CLCAs).
1.25.25 Other agreements
Effective date: 2024-04-19
Contracting officers should also be aware that a number of National Park Agreements and Department of National Defence Co-operation Agreements have been signed between individual departments and certain Indigenous groups. Reference to these agreements can be found in sections 7 to 10 of Treasury Board Secretariat Contracting Policy Notice 1997-8.
1.30 Policies, directives and guidelines
Effective date: 2010-01-11
1.30.1 Treasury Board
Effective date: 2022-12-01
- The Treasury Board (TB) is a Cabinet committee of the King's Privy Council of Canada. TB is responsible for accountability and ethics, financial, personnel and administrative management, comptrollership, approving regulations and most orders-in-council.
- As the administrative arm of TB , the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) has a dual mandate to support TB as a committee of ministers and to fulfill the statutory responsibilities of a central government agency. TBS provides advice and support to TB ministers in their role of ensuring value-for-money and provides oversight of the financial management functions in departments and agencies. TBS makes recommendations and provides advice to the TB on policies, directives, regulations, and program expenditure proposals with respect to the management of the government's resources.
1.30.5 Treasury Board Directive on the Management of Procurement
Effective date: 2022-05-12
The Treasury Board Directive on the Management of Procurement, established under s. 7(1) of the Financial Administration Act (FAA), sets out the policy objective that procurement of goods, services and construction obtains the necessary assets and services that support the delivery of programs and services to Canadians, while ensuring best value to the Crown.
The expected results of the directive are as follows:
- Procurements are managed in a manner that enables operational outcomes and demonstrates sound stewardship and best value consistent with the Government of Canada’s socio-economic and environmental objectives;
- Procurement decisions are based on risk management practices, performance information and an assessment of full life-cycle costs whenever possible;
- Effective governance and oversight mechanisms are in place to support the management of procurement;
- Opportunities for collaboration are considered in procurement decisions;
- Workforce capacity for the management of procurement is developed, maintained and commensurate with organizational need; and
- Actions related to the management of procurement are fair, open and transparent, and meet public expectations in matters of prudence and probity.
1.30.10 Treasury Board Common Services Policy
Effective date: 2022-05-12
Treasury Board rescinded the Common Services Policy on May 13, 2021, with the exception of subsection 6.5.3, Guard Services, in Appendix E: Mandatory Services. On April 1, 2023, the Common Services Policy will be archived in its entirety.
1.30.15 Treasury Board Contracting Approvals
Effective date: 2022-12-01
The Appendix A: Contracting Approvals of the Directive on the Management of Procurement, issued pursuant to section 10 and paragraph 41(1)(a) of the FAA , sets basic contracting limits for contracting authorities, and provides specific contracting limits for specific ministers. The Directive sets out the limits above which departments must obtain TB approval. The application of the Directive to PWGSC is set out in Chapter 6 Approvals and authorities.
1.30.20 Treasury Board Procurement Review Policy
Effective date: 2020-05-04
For reference purposes, section 1.30.20 is available in the Supply Manual Archive (accessible only on the Government of Canada network), Version 2019-3.
1.30.25 Code of Conduct for Procurement
Effective date: 2024-02-16
The Code of Conduct for Procurement (the Code) is a statement of values and expectations that applies to vendors who provide goods and services to the Government of Canada. The Code is incorporated into all Government of Canada procurements.
1.35 Challenge Process
Effective date: 2010-01-11
1.35.1 Canadian International Trade Tribunal
Effective date: 2023-06-08
- The trade agreements require that each party have a bid challenge mechanism in place. Canada’s bid challenge authority is the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT). The Tribunal decides whether the federal government breached its obligations under certain trade agreements to which Canada is party. Where the trade agreements apply, a potential supplier may file a complaint concerning a procurement action to the CITT , on the grounds that any aspect of the procurement process relating to a requirement covered by these agreements is unfair or discriminatory. Under the CFTA , Canadian provinces and territories must also establish or designate an independent administrative or judicial authority to receive and review bid challenges.
- CITT is authorized to receive complaints pertaining to any aspect of the procurement process up to and including contract award, and also to conduct inquiries and make determinations. In dealing with a complaint, CITT must determine whether the government institution responsible for the procurement under review has complied with the requirements of the trade agreements and such other procedural requirements, as prescribed in the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Procurement Inquiry Regulations.
- Contracting officers may contact the PWGSC CITT expert advisor, by telephone at 873-455-1807 for assistance with respect to an actual or potential CITT action. Contracting officers should encourage suppliers to resolve issues directly with PWGSC before making a complaint to the CITT . Any matter brought to the attention of the contracting officer should be handled with a minimum of delay, while exercising due care and judgment. Experience demonstrates that there are often minor errors, omissions, or other inadvertent actions, which can quickly be clarified or corrected to the satisfaction of all concerned, thus removing the basis of many problems and concerns at the outset.
- All PWGSC actions in response to a complaint filed with the CITT are coordinated through the PWGSC Coordination Office for Dispute Resolution Inquiries (CODRI). All requests, decisions, reports, letters, etc., to the CITT will be coordinated by CODRI in consultation with Legal Services and the procurement organization. The procurement organization is responsible for preparing a chronology of events that will form the "backbone" of the Government Institution Report (GIR). Legal Services will produce the remaining sections, with input from the procurement organization, other departmental specialists, and the client department, as required. The procurement organization's management remains responsible to review and approve the GIR , before the sign-off.
- Contracting officers must ensure that complete documentation and records dealing with the complaint, including a dated record of all communications with suppliers, are maintained in order to substantiate that the procurement process was carried out in accordance with the obligations of the trade agreements. Throughout the complaint process, PWGSC will keep the client informed of actions taken in response to the complaint, as well as any notices, decisions, information, etc. received from the CITT .
- The Assistant Deputy Minister, Acquisitions Branch, is the signing authority for requests for the rescission of Postponement of Award Orders.
- Details about the CITT , including its complaint and inquiry process, are in the publication Procurement Inquiries - Guide. The CITT Determinations, Notices and Orders can also be viewed by using the CITT website.
1.35.5 Procurement Ombudsman
Effective date: 2023-06-08
- Sections 306 and 307 of the Federal Accountability Act (FedAA) amend the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act to provide for the appointment and mandate of a procurement ombudsman. The Procurement Ombudsman has four primary functions, which are to:
- review the practices of departments for acquiring materiel and services to assess their fairness, openness and transparency and make any appropriate recommendations to the relevant department for the improvement of those practices;
- review any complaint respecting the award of a contract below the value of $30,300 for goods and below the value of $121,200 for services;
- review any complaint respecting the administration of a contract for the acquisition of materiel or services by a department, regardless of dollar value;
- ensure that an alternative dispute resolution process is provided, if both parties agree to participate;
- a possible fifth function is that the Federal Accountability Act also specifies that the Procurement Ombudsman can also perform any other duty or function respecting the practices of departments for acquiring materiel and services that may be assigned to the Procurement Ombudsman by order of the Governor in Council or the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada.
1.40 Departmental Delegation of Authority
Effective date: 2010-01-11
1.40.1 Use of judgment and knowledge
Effective date: 2010-01-11
- The individual requirements of a particular procurement may suggest that a course of action other than one set out in this Manual should be followed. Wherever there is no instruction on a particular subject, contracting officers must use their judgement and knowledge following the guiding principles at subsection 1.10.5 Guiding principles.
- PWGSC may be required to defend publicly a contracting officer's actions, and the contracting officer will be required to substantiate those actions. In the event that there is a need to deviate from an established policy or procedure, the process to be followed can only be presented in general terms:
- Any deviation must be identified in advance and must be carefully assessed and justified (including the reason for the deviation and the consequences of not deviating) for approval by the director general.
- The director general must determine whether more senior officials must become involved in the decision to deviate.
1.40.5 Contract approval and signing authorities
Effective date: 2010-01-11
Contracting officers are delegated authorities from the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) to provide procurement and acquisitions-related services to departments and agencies. See Chapter 6 Approvals and Authorities for further details.
1.45 Division of responsibilities between PWGSC and client departments
Effective date: 2021-12-02
- The matrix at Annex 1.1: Matrix of responsibilities between PWGSC and client departments for the procurement of goods and services (Generic) provides a generic division of anticipated types of responsibilities between PWGSC and client departments. It forms the basis for an effective and efficient partnering relationship for those who are responsible for activities within the procurement process.
- The division of responsibilities, as shown in the matrix, represents a standard way of doing business. However, as every procurement and associated contract differs, alternate divisions of roles and responsibilities can be established in advance by way of a written agreement between PWGSC and the client. Such client-specific or procurement-specific arrangements or matrices will take precedence over this generic matrix. Legislation, regulations and policy will also take precedence over this matrix. Annex 1.1.2: Specific division of responsibilities agreements contains two client-specific agreements with the Department of National Defence.
- A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed with the Canadian Commercial Corporation. Details for these special procurement processes are described in Chapter 9 - Special procurements.
- The Client Engagement Directorate (CED) in Procurement Assistance Canada (PAC) maintains copies of separate MOU s signed for individual business requirements, which may be obtained by contacting an account manager for government buyers.
- All Major Crown Projects (MCPs) have MOU s signed between the project and the contracting authorities to delineate project management responsibilities between the two departments. Copies of these MOU s may also be obtained from the CED or appropriate MCP office.
1.45.1 Litigation costs
Effective date: 2015-02-25
If a procurement conducted by Public Works and Government Services Canada on behalf of the client department is subject to any litigation proceedings (including a complaint to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal or to the Office of the Procurement Ombudsman, or other alternative dispute resolution process), the client will cover all of the costs (including legal costs, departmental administrative costs, any damages and any amounts required to be paid to third parties) associated with such proceedings.
1.50 Fairness monitoring
Effective date: 2015-09-24
- PWGSC 's fairness monitoring process provides independent assurance that specific PWGSC procurements are conducted in a fair, open and transparent manner.
- A fairness monitor is an independent third party whose role is to observe all or part of a procurement process, to provide related feedback on fairness issues to the project team and to PWGSC 's Departmental Oversight Branch, and to provide an unbiased and impartial opinion on the fairness of the observed procurement process.
- The involvement of a fairness monitor in a procurement process in no way diminishes or absolves any PWGSC official of their accountabilities or responsibilities. (See 3.135 Fairness Monitors for more details.)
1.55 Commodity management
Effective date: 2010-01-11
Commodity management is defined by a framework of governance and processes used to review, plan, acquire and control the total life cycle activities of a distinct group of goods and/or services. Use of the commodity management framework results in the award of Pre-competed Procurement Instrument(s), which should meet operational requirements of government departments while providing the optimal cost of ownership and disposal and achieving the best value for Canada. This is in keeping with Canada's commitment to deliver services smarter, faster and at a reduced cost.
1.55.1 Overview of commodity management
Effective date: 2015-09-24
Commodity management provides the following:
- A government-wide approach to managing commonly used goods and services that meet the operational requirements of client departments and support their program and service objectives.
- An effective "best practices" combination of:
- market and demand/spend analysis,
- total life cycle and risk analysis,
- governance and consultation,
- strategic sourcing and procurement practices to achieve the best value and reduce total cost to government through:
- volume optimization,
- purchase specification standardization and improvement,
- supply base optimization,
- purchasing process improvements and technology integration,
- demand, maintenance and spares management,
- best value evaluation,
1.55.5 Goals and benefits of commodity management
Effective date: 2024-04-19
- Some of the goals of commodity management are:
- to establish performance measures, to assess what, how and at what cost the government procures goods and services, thereby facilitating a successful continuous improvement program;
- to identify risk factors to government operations and mitigation strategies to manage those risks (e.g. strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats);
- to collaborate with client departments through inter-departmental commodity teams, resulting in the commitment to use government-wide procurement instruments, and
- to achieve the best value for Canada, including the lowest overall cost and ability to support socio-economic objectives, sustainable development and Indigenous objectives.
- improved transparency, accountability and responsibility for procurement across the federal government;
- a simplified process that ensures efficient delivery of goods and services;
- ability to better understand, define and meet operational requirements for a full range of government programs, through close collaboration with client departments;
- stronger relationships with the supplier community and the use of procurement processes, leading to the selection of top-performing contractors and to obtain high-quality goods and/or services at best value, and
- more effective and pro-active contract management strategies and implementation plans.
1.55.10 Pre-competed Procurement Instruments
Effective date: 2010-01-11
- Pre-competed Procurement Instruments (PCPIs), also known as Consolidated Procurements Instruments, can result in, but are not limited to, standing offers, supply arrangements, task authorization contracts, or government-wide contracts resulting from the commodity management processes and are put in place between Canada and one or more suppliers for the provision of a specific commodity over a specified period of time.
- Departments and agencies should always consider use of these procurement instruments as the first method of supply of goods and services. There are both mandatory and non-mandatory PCPIs . In 2005, Treasury Board distributed a letter to departments and agencies for mandatory use of standing offers and supply arrangements for 10 ARCHIVED - commodity categories. Further details on the different methods of supply can be found in Chapter 3 Procurement Strategy and Chapter 4 Solicitation Process.
1.60 Environmental considerations
Effective date: 2012-01-18
1.60.1 Green Procurement Policy
Effective date: 2023-09-07
- The Policy on Green Procurement was introduced through the ARCHIVED - TB Contracting Policy Notice 2006-1, and came into effect on April 1, 2006. The objective of the policy is to advance the protection of the environment and to support sustainable development by integrating environmental performance considerations into the procurement decision-making process.
- The policy is set within the context of "value for money" and a life cycle management approach. The policy requires that departments integrate environmental performance considerations as a key factor in procurement decisions that occur throughout the life cycle of assets and acquired services. Departments are also required to establish green procurement targets and monitor and report on their green procurement performance through the annual Departmental plan and the Departmental results report; or, if applicable, in the Sustainable Development Strategy section of the Departmental results report. This policy applies to all departments and agencies.
- Standard on the Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Setting of Reduction Targets (the GHG Disclosure Standard):
- Pursuant to the policy, Treasury Board Secretariat has issued the GHG Disclosure Standard effective April 1, 2023. The objective of the GHG Disclosure Standard is to induce suppliers to disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and set reduction targets as per the commitments in the Greening Government Strategy.
- The GHG Disclosure Standard applies to procurements valued over $25 million CAD including taxes, fees and options.
- The GHG Disclosure Standard may be addressed in the solicitation through inclusion of mandatory or point-rated evaluation criteria which require participation in an initiative or standard which addresses GHG emission disclosure, target-setting and reduction, such as Canada’s Net-Zero Challenge (NZC) or equivalent. Participation in the initiative must also be maintained throughout the duration of the contract, and relevant clauses must be included in the contract to this effect.
- Alternatively, participation may be included in the solicitation process via certification, or through a conditionally limited solicitation process. For example, if two or more bids/offers/arrangements are received from bidders/offerors/suppliers participating in the NZC or equivalent, only these will be evaluated.
- Non-competitive requirements may include a clause in the contract which requires participation in the NZC or equivalent precedent to contract award or before the end of the contract period. The date by which the Contractor must join the initiative must be determined prior to contract award and be included in the resulting contract through the appropriate clause.
- Contracting Officers must use caution when applying any of the above options to requirements subject to trade agreements or when market readiness is uncertain. Refer to PN-157 or contact the Strategic Policy Sector Green and Clean Technology Procurement Technical Team for additional guidance.
- In accordance with the Policy on Green Procurement, PWGSC has developed Standard language for environmentally preferable packaging (the standard language), as set out at Annex 2.7 of the Supply Manual. The objective of the standard language is to induce suppliers to use packaging that is reusable, returnable, or recyclable in order to reduce plastic waste in the procurement of goods administered by PWGSC , as per the commitments in the Greening Government Strategy: A Government of Canada Directive.
- The standard language applies to all procurements of goods that come in packaging and provides environmentally preferable packaging specifications.
- take the online course Green Procurement (COR405) available through the Canada School of Public Service;
- incorporate environmental considerations into the commodity management process for all procurement instruments, whenever feasible;
- advise all clients of the Green Procurement Policy and support them, using the information, tools and guidance available, to meet both the client needs and policy requirements; and
- record in procurement files and in procurement strategy approval documents that environmentally preferable goods or services have been considered.
1.60.2 Federal Sustainable Development Act
Effective date: 2021-12-02
In 2008, the Federal Sustainable Development Act was introduced to provide the legal framework for developing and implementing a Federal Sustainable Development Strategy. The objective of this strategy is to make decision making related to sustainable development more transparent and subject to accountability to Parliament, promote coordinated action across the Government of Canada to advance sustainable development, and respect Canada’s domestic and international obligations relating to sustainable development, with a view to improving the quality of life of Canadians. Greening Government Strategy
Effective date: 2021-12-02
The Greening Government Strategy was introduced in 2017 as a cabinet directive to achieve the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy goal for greening government. It sets a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from federal operations by 40% by 2030 and 90% by 2050 relative to 2005 levels, with aspirations to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The Greening Government Strategy outlines specific measures to achieve this target and outlines a broader scope for greening efforts, including actions on adapting to climate change, transitioning to clean energy, and integrating greening across government procurement.
1.60.5 Centre for Greening Government
Effective date: 2021-12-02
The Centre for Greening Government was created in 2018 within the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS). The Centre’s mandate is to ensure that Canada is a global leader in government operations that are net-zero, resilient and green. The Centre is responsible for leading the federal Greening Government Strategy, which is committed to the green procurement of goods and services to aid the transition to a less carbon-intensive economy. Green procurement includes life-cycle assessment principles and the adoption of clean technologies and green products and services by:
- Including criteria that address Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reduction, sustainable plastics and broader environmental benefits into procurements that have a high environmental impact;
- Incentivizing major suppliers to adopt a science-based target in line with the Paris Agreement, and to disclose their GHG emissions and environmental performance information;
- Supporting departments in adopting clean technology and undertaking clean technology demonstration projects;
- Eliminating the unnecessary use of single-use plastics in government operations, events and meetings;
- Promoting the procurement of sustainable plastic products and the reduction of associated plastic packaging waste;
- Strengthening support for green procurement, including guidance, tools and training for public service employees.
1.61 Accessible procurement
Effective date: 2022-05-12
- The Treasury Board Directive on the Management of Procurement (Directive) mandates the consideration of accessibility requirements in federal procurement. The objective of the Directive is to advance the objectives of the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) which requires organizations under federal jurisdiction to identify, remove and prevent barriers to accessibility in the procurement of goods, services and construction. This Directive requires, where appropriate, including accessibility considerations when specifying requirements for goods, services and construction, and ensuring that deliverables incorporate accessibility features. This also applies to procurements made using an acquisition card to purchase on behalf of the Government of Canada.
- A key factor will be to consider accessibility in the early stages of the procurement process as to not create barriers for end-users. The consideration of accessibility may include consulting end-users, leveraging international accessibility standards or portions of them, and universal design principles to determine if accessibility criteria should be included in the procurement. For more information, please see section 9.5.10 Early involvement.
- The Treasury Board Directive on the Management of Procurement is described in further detail in 2.21 Accessible procurement and requirements definition.
- Contracting authorities are required to:
- take any required training on accessible procurement;
- ensure clients consider accessibility and include accessibility criteria into the requirements, where appropriate, for goods and services being procured;
- advise business owners (client department or agency, technical authority) of the accessibility requirements within the Treasury Board Directive on the Management of Procurement and support them, using information, tools and guidance available to meet both the business owner needs and Directive requirements; and
- ensure that the client provides a justification when accessibility criteria are not included in the procurement and keep that justification in the procurement file.
- 1.10.10 Procurement best practices
- 1.61 Accessible procurement
- Annex 1.1.1 Matrix of responsibilities between Public Works and Government Services Canada and client departments for the procurement of goods and services (generic)
- Section A Division of responsibilities between Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) and Department of National Defence (DND) for the acquisition of goods and services
- 2.1 Requirements definition
- 2.21 Accessible procurement and requirements definition
- 2.60 Requisition review
- Annex 2.6 Accessible procurement: Factors and considerations
- 3.1.1 Planning the procurement
- 4.15.6 Accessible procurement requirements
- 5.100 Special program considerations
- Contract planning and advance approval instructions
- 9.5.10 Early involvement
1.62 COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Supplier Personnel
Effective date: 2022-06-20
For reference purposes, section 1.62 is available in the Supply Manual Archive (accessible only on the Government of Canada network), Version 2022-1.
1.65 Policy on government security
Effective date: 2022-05-02
- The objective of the Policy on Government Security, as it pertains to contracting, is to ensure that sensitive information and assets of the government are properly protected when entrusted to industry. The role of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) in this process is to ensure that individuals and organizations that will have access to or will possess protected or classified information, assets or sites have first received the necessary security screening or clearance through the Contract Security Program (CSP), PWGSC .
- PWGSC 's Industrial Security Sector (ISS) is the Government of Canada’s authority for contract security and the lead in the public service to administer the CSP . The CSP is intended to ensure protection of Canadian and foreign government sensitive assets and information entrusted to industry for contracts administered by PWGSC and, on request, for contracts administered by other government departments, foreign governments, or international organizations. PWGSC ’s CSP is responsible for validating and/or security screening private sector organizations and personnel requiring access to sensitive government information and assets. The Program also identifies the appropriate security terms and conditions to be included in each contractual instrument and ensures that contractors comply with the security requirements provided by the client department for safeguarding, disclosing, destroying, removing, modifying and interruption of government sensitive information/assets.
- The project authority and the Chief Security Officers of departments and agencies are responsible for ensuring that their department or agency adheres to the Policy on Government Security and that provisions are made for any suppliers used to provide goods or services to ensure that they also meet the applicable security requirements.
- The CSP is responsible, among other things, for the following services:
- provide the appropriate security clauses to be inserted into solicitation and contractual documents, as required, when a Security Requirements Check List (SRCL) has been used to identify the needs and processed by the CSP ;
- carry out the appropriate security screening for suppliers that are awarded contracts with security requirements and ensure that they maintain their security clearance during the period of the contract;
- ensure that inspections are undertaken and regularly renewed at the suppliers' facilities, if required and appropriate; and
- carry out the security screening of the supplier personnel as required by the provisions of the contract.
Note that contracts may still have a security requirement, even though the contractual documents themselves are not designated as PROTECTED/CLASSIFIED.
1.70 Privacy in contracting
Effective date: 2021-12-02
- Effective April 1, 2008, TB released a Policy on Privacy Protection. Canadians value their privacy and the protection of their personal information. They expect government institutions to respect the spirit and requirements of the Privacy Act. This policy must be read in conjunction with the Policy on Service and Digital, the Directive on Service and Digital and the Policy on Access to Information. Additional mandatory privacy-related requirements are set out in the ARCHIVED - Privacy Impact Assessment Policy.
- The Policy on Privacy Protection applies to government institutions as defined in section 3 of the Privacy Act (the Act), including parent Crown corporations and any wholly owned subsidiary of these corporations. It does not apply to the Bank of Canada and to the information excluded under the Act.
- The Government of Canada is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals with respect to the personal information that is under the control of government institutions. The government recognizes that this protection is an essential element in maintaining public trust in government. The Supreme Court of Canada has characterized the Act as "quasi-constitutional" because of the role privacy plays in the preservation of a free and democratic society.
- Privacy protection in this sense means limiting government interventions into the private lives of Canadians to lawful and necessary purposes. It also means that government must ensure a high standard of care for personal information under the control of government institutions. The government also has to respond to requests for access to personal information. Sound information management plays a key role in facilitating the exercise of access rights under the Act and ensuring privacy protection.
- Through government contracts, contracting authorities, clients and other departmental organizations are privy to individual and company private information. It is imperative that precautions are taken in contracting to safeguard this information. Some examples include such things as individual resumes that contain very personal information and secondly company private information that in the wrong hands may provide competing companies technical advantages, trade secrets or financial information.
- PWGSC must ensure safeguards are put in place to protect individual and company private information by ensuring information is stored securely and that information is handled through limited distribution and provided only as necessary. Under no circumstances should a company's private information or an individual's personal information be shared with competitors or placed in the public domain without the written authorization of the originator of the information.
- Contracting officers should review the Guidance Document: Taking Privacy Into Account Before Making Contacting Decisions whenever personal information about Canadians is to be handled or accessed by private sector suppliers or agencies under contract.
1.80 Information management and file documentation in the procurement process
Effective date: 2023-03-30
- Information management and documentation policy The Treasury’s Board Policy on Service and Digital states that the strategic management of government information and data supports the delivery of services and the effectiveness of government operations. Sound information management and documentation are vital for departments to function and manage effectively and result in a responsive and accountable government. Proper documentation helps the Department in supporting the Government of Canada’s key objectives under the Library and Archives of Canada Act, to preserve records identified by the Librarian and Archivist to have historical or archival importance and to control the disposal or destruction of records by government institutions. Maintaining accessible and complete files directly supports the Department in demonstrating transparency, due diligence and sound decision-making in cases of legal risk and liability.
- Contracting officers roles and responsibilities Contracting officers are responsible for storing and maintaining the documentation related to the procurement files they manage. As such, contracting officers must ensure that decisions and decision-making processes are documented with accuracy to account for and support the continuity of departmental operations as well as to support litigation readiness, and allow for independent evaluation, audit and review. Contracting officers must ensure that any information received or created is maintained in its original format. Contracting officers are responsible for ensuring that:
- procurement files are well documented and complete;
- key documents and decisions are included to provide the file’s complete history;
- the information within the appropriate systems is updated with accuracy, such as the Electronic Procurement Solution (EPS), Galileo and Darwin; and
- information received or created in electronic format outside of EPS , is maintained in its original format and filed in the applicable GCdocs procurement case file folder (accessible only on the Government of Canada network).
Consult the list below of annexes related to Chapter 1 – Public procurement.
- 1.1 - Annex: Matrix of responsibilities
- 1.1.1 - Annex: Matrix of responsibilities between Public Works and Government Services Canada and client departments for the procurement of goods and services (generic)
- 1.1.2 - Annex: Specific division of responsibilities agreements
- - Section A: Division of responsibilities between Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) and Department of National Defence (DND) for the acquisition of goods and services
- - Section B: Division of Responsibilities between PWGSC and DND for the quality assurance of materiel and services